On Friday, Republican Michael Steele used the Eubie Blake National Jazz Institute and Cultural Center as the backdrop for a “Steele Democrats” media event, earning major style points from this blog. Michael Mfume, son of former-Rep Kweisi Mfume also attended, making clear he only represented himself and not his father, quoting Lady Day:
"There is a saying by Billie Holiday. It goes: 'A mother may have. A poppa may have. But God bless a child that has its own.'"
Actually, I’m not sure “God Bless the Child” really makes sense in this context (“rich relations give crust of bread and such, you can help yourself, but don’t take too much, Momma may have . . . ") but it fits with the general Holiday vibe—that’s her on the mural under the Steele Democrats banner. Regardless, it’s still cause for major style points to Michael Mfume as well. You have to appreciate a campaign that understands the power of America’s great art form—jazz.
Steele appears to be getting it perfect, moderate enough to attract Democrat supporters, and fiscally disciplined enough to be endorsed by the Club for Growth. No wonder national Democrats are worried. (Photo from the Steele campaign website here.)