NRCC has a notice about an upcoming fundraiser for Rep. Melissa Hart (PA-4) this Wed., titled "Taking Jazz to Hart." The Dino Efantis Trio is playing. I've never heard of them, but I assume they're local D.C. musicians, so good for Hart for showcasing them. It's not even that expensive compared to most of the event s listed here: (about a quarter down the page) and sounds like a lot more fun. Still, I won't be jumping on an Amtrak for it.
Update 2/16: I assume the fundraiser happened, and I hope the Hart campaign made bank. Last night kicked also kicked off this semester's SCPS class, Jazz in the Modern Age. Of course I went past 8:00, but everyone seemed cool about it. Hopefully many of you were helping the Csendes campaign, which also needs volunters this weekend. Volunteer info on her website: