many Country Music isn’t what it used to be. Sales might be stronger than ever,
but the new breed of blow-dried pop acts simply lack authenticity. However,
Tomi Fujiyama is the real deal. She was Country before Country was cool—in Japan.
She even played the Grand Ole Opry in 1964, when it was still broadcast from
the hallowed Ryman Auditorium. She would love to have a return engagement, but
the current group of squares in charge apparently lack vision. Nevertheless,
she continues to pursue her Country dreams in Josh Bishop’s Made in Japan (trailer here), which just
screened during the 2015 Portland Film Festival.
Fujiyama has had more than her share of career setbacks, yet remains astonishingly
upbeat and energetic. She initially cut her teeth playing American music in
U.S. military base clubs, quickly figuring out what styles generated the most
tips. Although there were plenty of folks in the music industry only too happy
to take advantage of her, at least one American cat was willing to take the
time to work on her pronunciations. As a result, her singing voice is something
else. When carrying a tune, she has almost perfect diction and a surprisingly
deep and resonant tone. Frankly, she owns “Tennessee Waltz,” pure and simple.
to America with her quietly indulgent husband, Fujiyama revisits the sites of
her eventful days playing Nashville and Vegas, while campaigning for another
Opry gig. Not to be spoilery, but the Opry Entertainment management just didn’t
get it. Instead, Fujiyama is embraced by a younger, hipper new traditionalist
movement thriving outside the Opry establishment.
experts cogently explain the fractures in contemporary Country music, while
also providing full historical context, way back to the music’s roots in
English sea shanties and murder ballads. Elijah Wood also handles the narrator
duties with clarity and what sounds like affection. However, there is no
question Fujiyama is the engine that makes the film go. Her charm and charisma
are undeniable, but it is her voice that will get you. She can hold a room full
of No Depression-reading music snobs
absolutely transfixed with her renditions of traditional Japanese folk songs.