the FDIC insurance in Cambodia is rather lacking. Otherwise, drug lord Gan
Sirankiri should not be so upset when a couple of expat ne’er-do-wells keep robbing
the banks that hold his deposits. Frankly, it looks like the same bank getting
held up over and over again, but whatever. Of course, it is no accident they
know where his dollars are stashed. They have an inside source, albeit a rather
manipulative one in Daniel Zirilli’s bargain basement Asian Connection (trailer here), which is now playing in New York.
Elwell is determined to build a better life for his Thai girlfriend Avalon, so
he and his stoner buddy Sam cruise over the border to pull a bank job. Much to
their surprise, they hit the jackpot, snagging about two hundred grand from the
vault (frankly, it looks more like a supply closet, but whatever). That was
Sirankiri’s money and he wants it back. In a case of good news/bad news,
Sirankiri’s not-so trusted lieutenant Niran tracks Elwell down and offers him a
deal he can’t refuse. From now on, he will instruct Elwell and his partner
where and when to hit the banks stuffed with Sirankiri’s money. They keep fifty
percent of the take and get to keep living. Obviously, it is not a sustainable
existence, but they do not have much choice in the short term.
some ways, Connection represents
fitting karma for Steven Seagal’s disgusting puckering up to Putin in Russian
propaganda. However, it is still sad to see Casey Ryback reduced to this.
Granted, you do not need a perfect body type to be a martial arts star, as
Sammo Hung proves every day. However, Master Sammo has more screen presence
than Seagal ever did and he has a huge reservoir of accrued good will (whereas
Seagal has pretty much frittered away whatever he had). Regardless, it looks
like the mumbling Seagal needs an intervention for an addiction to Nyquil.
his name is prominent in the credits, if you blink you might miss Michael Jai
White (and he probably hopes you will). Pim Bubear is pleasant enough
on-screen, but the film bizarrely makes no use of her martial arts skills. Without
question Sahajak Boonthanakit (who was also pretty good in No Escape) best acquits himself as Niran. On the other hand, John
Edward Lee is just a creepy excuse for a leading man.