Last week’s post on Andy Garcia’s upcoming film The Lost City received some gratifying attention in the blogosphere. Most notably, Michelle Malkin linked to it, and a review from Roger Simon. It's great that they have helped generate internet buzz. It is a worthy film, one of the best I’ve seen in quite some time.
The acting is first rate. Andy Garcia is excellent as Fico Fellove, the Havana night club owner who watches Castro tear the soul out of his beloved city. Bill Murray has a sizeable supporting role as a character simply called “the writer.” In a bit of a departure for Murray, he’s actually funny in this role. Not Stripes funny, but his character expresses the wit and wordplay for which novelist and Lost City screenwriter G. Cabrera Infante was celebrated for. Dustin Hoffman has far less screen time as Meyer Lansky, but he makes each second count. With that cast, and phenomenal Cuban score, you would think The Lost City would be a have a big Hollywood studio campaign behind it.
Sadly, no. According to Box Office Mojo The Lost City will open on 18 screens on April 28th. It’s opening week competition include the moronic looking Robin Williams comedy RV expected to open on over 3,100 screens and Akeelah and the Bee on over 2,200 screens. United 93, a film which would likely share a significant crossover audience with Garcia’s film also opens the 28th on 1,700 screens.
If you live in New York, LA or Miami, I really recommend you seek out this film on the 28th. If Hollywood’s politics were more inclusive, a major studio would have picked this up to be their entry in the Oscar derby. Magnolia is known for shortening the window between theatrical and DVD release, sometimes even releasing films on both platforms nearly simultaneously. Currently, they are announcing an August 8th DVD release, but that is subject to change. I would assume a high per screen box office would have some effect on those plans. This is a beautiful film that deserves to be seen on the big screen. I you have the opportunity, take it.