Saturday, December 14, 2024

Utopia (it is not)

It is a lot like Westworld, with more sex. In addition to similar Old West and ancient Rome adventure options, you can also roleplay a Nazi in the WWII area, to make it even more distasteful. Humanity is basically doomed, but the bad guys intend to make money off the bottoming out. Unfortunately, their plan is especially exploitative in James Bamford’s Utopia, which is now available on VOD.

The adult theme park Utopia operates in the fictional Eastern European country of Astovia, making it part of the “Bamverse,” following the not-so-bad
Air Force One Down and the disappointing Shadow Land. The returns now diminish furher. Regardless, former American Special Forces commando Damon Matthew has followed the trail of his semi-ex-girlfriend Alexis to Utopia, which he infiltrates with the remote hacking aid of his old British comrade Rupert.

There he finds her working as one of the hostess-harem girls, with no apparent memory of him or the rest of her past life. To make matters worse, she is clearly the favorite of pervy Karl Tubin, Utopia’s largest silent investor. Matthew and Rupert assume the abducted women were implanted with some sort of AI chip that alters their memory and behavior. Yet, some abducted women, like Joan and Natalie (who had to be “reprogrammed” after the little incident during the prologue) have grown suspicious and perhaps even rebellious.

Compared to
Utopia, the Bruce Willis quickie Vice passes for a masterpiece. Basically, this entire film is reverse-engineered around shots of Charlotte Vega, Alix Villaret, and Wanda Banda wearing skimpy attire, in suggestive situations. Unfortunately, Bamford largely wastes legit martial arts veteran Daniel Bernhardt playing Utopia’s security chief, William Sallow.

Frankly, Moe Dunford looks visibly uncomfortable trying to carry this film as Matthew, which is understandable. Jason Flemyng literally phones this movie in, playing Rupert, who spends most of his time making sandwiches and cracking open beers. Villaret and Banda each clearly made an effort as Natalie and Joan, but they had almost nothing to work with. Sadly, the mastermind behind Utopia is duller than dishwater, but at least Sean James Sutton menacingly chews some scenery as creepy Tubin.

turns artificial intelligence into artificial stupidity. Based on this film, it is also high time Astovia closed its borders and the State Deparment should issue a stern travel advisory. If the general premise appeals to you, watch Westworld, Futureworld, or pretty much any other “world” instead. Not recommended, Utopia is now available on VOD.