have a calm, quiet image, but Finnish history in the early 20th
Century was anything but. The Whites fought the Soviet back Reds in their 1918
Civil War, but Finns fought for their very existence against the invading
Soviets during the Winter War of 1939 and the subsequent Continuation War. In
between, an estimated 6,000 Finnish Americans immigrated to the USSR out of
socialist solidarity. Jussi Ketola did not join them voluntarily, but as a “guest”
of the workers’ paradise, he is not allowed to leave. Unfortunately, he is not
exactly comfortable there, nor is he
warmly welcomed either in Antti- Jussi Annila’s The Eternal Road (trailer here), which screens during the Seattle International Film Festival.
taciturn Ketola is assumed to hold vaguely socialist sympathies, but he is also
a farmer, so he was drafted by the Whites, before immigrating to America, only
to return during the Great Depression. Unfortunately, that gives him little
credit with the White score-settlers, who threaten to lynch him near the Soviet
border. The good news is he escapes alive. The bad news is he wakes up Petrozavodsk,
where a NKVD officer rather playfully informs Ketola he is suspected of being a
spy. It is not that they really believe he arrived with a bullet in his side to
commit espionage, but it is a way of exerting control over him.
cheerfully sinister Kallonen wants Ketola to inform on his new hosts at Hopea,
a collective farm operated by Finnish-American Christian socialists. They
believe in Stalin’s Russia, even though they are believers, but as the Purges
start escalating in the mid-1930s, it will only be a matter of time before they
wind up on the chopping block. However, Ketola makes a new life for himself
there, marrying the widowed Sara and adopting her eight-year daughter Mary. For
six years, he manages to keep Kallonen at bay, but 1936 will be an ugly and
tragic time for everyone on the collective farm.
on fact, Eternal Road shines a
spotlight on some little-known history. You do not hear very much about the
American immigrants to the Soviet Union, because that is exactly how Stalin wanted
it. The very idea of a Christian collective farm in Stalinist Russia also
boggles the mind, but such institution was obviously surgically removed from
all Soviet media and memory as well. Even more fundamentally, the film reminds
us just how predatory and belligerent the USSR behaved towards Finland during
the inter-war era.
is definitely a strong silent time, but as the epic everyman, Tommi Korpela broods
and slow-burns like nobody’s business. However, it is Hannu-Pekka Björkman who
really lands the knock-out punch as the jovially evil Kallonen. He is truly one
of the year’s great villains, but it is important to note, everything he does
is grounded in historical truth. Somewhere between the two poles of Korpela and
Björkman, Danish Sidse Babett Knudsen (probably the most recognizable cast-member,
from Borgen, Westworld, and 1864) anchors the film as the passionate
but down-to-earth Sara.